Since 1874 Louisa Mutual has been helping farmers and homeowners create the right insurance policies to properly cover their clients and all of their possessions. Our policies include home insurance, renters insurance, and insurance for ranches, acreages and all farm out buildings. Louisa Mutual protects you and your family for property and liability coverage!
Home Coverage
Louisa Mutual offers policies that provide protection for your most important assets. We can customize your coverage to provide the protection that you need for your home and your personal possessions. We offer a number of deductible options and discounts.
Farm Coverage
Louisa Mutual farm program is designed to provide coverage for farm residences, farm structures, farm personal property. This program has been customized with many endorsements to cover any size farm operation.
Dwelling Coverage
The Dwelling policy is designed for town and rural dwellings, including cabins and seasonal dwellings, when the Homeguard and FarMate policies are not appropriate. May be used for owner occupied dwellings or dwellings that are rented to others.
Tenant Coverage
Renters insurance (Tenant Homeguard policy) provides coverage for your personal property. The landlord’s insurance policy does not cover losses to your personal property or cover you against liability claims. You need to purchase a separate policy to protect yourself.
For more information or to request a quote, please contact one of our agents.